Christmas crafts with toddlers

I have always loved Christmas, like a lot. Now that I have a toddler who is actually aware of what it is, it makes me even more in love with Christmas. It has been so fun to share my love of Christmas with her. She is just like me and is absolutely obsessed with Christmas. Naturally we have been having fun with all sorts of Christmas crafts.

Christmas crafts

My favourite place to pick up craft supplies is Value Village. It always has hidden gems for making fun crafts. They usually have a section with craft supplies but I also like looking for random little things in the Home Section. You can find all sorts of awesome things for making some fun and creative crafts. I found all these little Christmas trinkets, and a bag of faux snow there. I thought they would be perfect for making little snow globes.

DIY Mason Jar Globes

I can't be the only one with an obscure mason jar collection. I just can't help myself, I think they are so cute and purposeful. Mason Jars make the perfect vessels for DIY snow globes.

-Christmas trinkets-bottle brush trees, little reindeer, people, etc
-Faux Snow
-Mason Jars-the wider the base the more things you can fit in it
-Glue Gun
-Bowl & Spoon

Crafts with toddlers

Emery helped pick out which little trinkets she wanted in each jar. While I hot glued them, I gave Em a spoon & bowl filled with snow. I got her to spoon the snow into the mason jar. Then I just put the lid on, and viola! A very easy and cute little snow globe!

We made ours super Christmasy but you could also make them more of winter theme forgoing the Santa, etc. 

Christmas crafts with toddlers

Christmas with toddlers

DIY Mason Jar Snow Globes

DIY Mason Jar Snow Globe

Emery's cute and amazingly soft pjs are from Kickeepants. They are a favourite in our household and always make a great gift! Here is a list of places you can find them in Canada, also if you are in Sherwood Park, Max and Maude carries them. 

Christmas crafts with toddlers

Have you done any Christmas crafts with your toddlers? Let me know which ones are a hit in your house!

We hope you are all ready for Christmas and are finally relaxing! We still have some running around to do today, and lots of cleaning! Hopefully we will have a Starbucks in hand.

<3 Kastles
